Flash Kitty

Flash Kit was a popular community for Adobe/Macromedia Flash developers where developers shared their creative work.
Unfortunately, the site was discontinued by its current owners, resulting in the loss of many submitted movies.
This page aims to recreate the Flash Kit experience by utilizing data from the Wayback Machine. Please note that some content may be missing, as only approximately one-third of the original files were preserved in the archive.

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3D (286 files) 3D Flash sources, Effects, Engines, Pseudo, Symbols.
Animations (1021 files) Anime, Banners, Cartoons, Ecards, Intros, Scratchpad, Vector Animations
Applications (74 files) Full Flash Applications, Chat Apps, Guestbooks, Calendars
Basics (127 files) Basic Concepts Drawing, Animation, Symbols, Interactivity & Sound
Components (29 files) Scrollbar, Flash Menu, Rotator, Zoom Tool, Image Slider, Tool Tip Components
Design Houses (14 files) Original and High Quality Files From Top Design Houses
Effects (481 files) Flash Effects, Eye Candy, Masking, Mouse Trailers, Special Effects, Text Effects
Games (346 files) Game Developer, Sources Collision Detection, Components, Full Game Source, Scoring, Symbols
Interfaces (627 files) Flash Interfaces, Examples Sites, Buttons, Menus, Forms, Widgets, Navigation Tools
Scripting (507 files) ActionScript, Control, JavaScript, Math, Physics, Preloaders, Scrolling, Server Communications, String Manipulation, Using Databases, Using External Files, XML
Smart Clips (24 files) Flash Specific Smart Clips, Using Clips with Generator, Game Timers
Sound (114 files) Sound Sources, Using Sound, Demos, Controls, Mixers, Players
Third Party (133 files) Additional Applications, AIR, FlashTyper, FlashTraks, FlaX, Swift3D, Swish, Wildform, Swfx, Other
Utilities (89 files) Flash Utility, Functions Conversions, Detection, Time, Other

Manual entries (11 files) SWFs not originally from Flash Kit but interesting enough to archive

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