Flash Kit was a popular community for Adobe/Macromedia Flash developers where developers shared their creative work.
Unfortunately, the site was discontinued by its current owners, resulting in the loss of many submitted movies.
This page aims to recreate the Flash Kit experience by utilizing data from the
Wayback Machine. Please note that some content may be missing, as only approximately one-third of the original files were preserved in the archive.
Frequently asked questions:
- What about sound loops that were in Flash Kit? KitLoops has a big collection of them archived!
- What about tutorials, fonts and other things from Flash Kit? Coming soon™
- Some files don't work or crash the browser: Let me know and I'll try to remove or fix them
- I remember about a movie but can't seem to find it: Not all contents were archived by the Wayback Machine, so some may be lost forever. If you still have some backup of something and would like to add it, please let me know!